Monday, August 9, 2010

Experimentation #3 | Shapes and Opacity

So somewhere in between working on my website, finishing working on the Seattle City Chickens Poster and Brochure, and trying not to stress out, I decided to work work with shapes in Adobe's Illustrator program, and work with opacity as well. I actually have been meaning to play with all sorts of shapes in Illustrator but haven't had the time to work on them. You could say this is the start of the shape and opacity posters. How I went about making the cubes was just me using the polygon tool in Illustrator and started to make cube designs with them. Each polygon is the same color and has the same opacity of 30%. How I got a variation in the colors was just placing a polygon over the top of one and eventually made this design. I decided to take it into Indesign after I made this in Illustrator and put some type on top of it. You could say this is an informational poster about Cubes. Hope you enjoy this experiment as much as I did.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Inspiration #2 | Valo Brand

About three weeks ago my roomate Collin decided to show me a rollerblading video featuring pro skater Montre Livingston, needless to say I got extremely pumped/excited after watching the video. A little history about me if you want to know why I got so excited and amped for an aggressive rollerblading video is because back in High School that was what I did, I wasn't all into skate boarding because I just didn't feel right on a board with wheels. Ever since I was a little kid I could not stop rollerblading, and it continued to roller hockey then to aggressive rollerblading. Anyways back on topic after watching the video Collin and I decided to go to the local skatepark here in Poulsbo (its kinda of puny) and do a little blading. I had so much fun just messing around at the skate park, not to mention the work out I got from it. So now I decided I am going to be skating a bit more and more and enjoying the fun in rollerblading again. This is my inspiration post of the week, I was snooping around on the internet, looking at what new skate stuff is out and what has changed. I happened to stumble upon a cool new brand called VALO that has gotten much praise for there construction, comfortability, how well they skate. But I really think it is all apart of their aesthetic, their skates literally look like a big shoe with wheels on the bottom and I just love the whole look to their skates, not to mention their well designed website, and most of all VALO's packaging. Did I mention they also have accessories as well that are just as good. This inspired me to want to do get even better at designing things and packaging design. So now the visuals! Enjoy

Heres a Link to their WEB SITE.

Erik Bailey signature skate. EB.1 these are simply amazing looking.

These are also really growing on me as well. The Alex Broskow Gold edition Valo Skate. AB.1 Gold

And VALO's ever popular skate the TV.2 Black.

Cant forget about the Swagger.

And I am going to leave you with a video of team VALO rippin it up in AMSTERDAM.

Amsterdam; Valo Sesh at Olympian from Themgoods on Vimeo.