Sunday, May 23, 2010

Here are my two final Logos one in the Two color and the other with just black and white. I am pretty happy with how the whole thing came out. You might notice some slight changes from my last post which of course were intentional.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So this is what I came up with for my Logo, I think it works better than what I was trying to do with all the other ones and the typeface just felt right with the logo. I think I enjoy the black and white one more than the black and tan/brown one, the way it breaks up the Coffee Cup is so much more Dynamic to the design.
I was happy with myself after this.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I really enjoyed how the arrow came through the type. This is just a happy accident that I am going to try an apply to other ideas I had with the Logo. Just goes to show you how the process works over time.

The one on the top is a variation of the logo, I like how it came out. I am going to try and apply the Type into the arrow like the above post. The one on the bottom was the beginning of playing with the type. This is just me getting crap out of my head on what I should do with the applying type to the logo.

Monday, May 17, 2010

This is the logo after I placed it into to Illustrator and traced it. My original idea was to have the text placed inside of the swoosh of the arrow. After messing around with it I found it to be much more of a problem than I originally expected. Oh boy the joys of Graphic Design and Typography!
So this is a revised thumbnail after our art direction we had in class. I messed some other things but really liked how this one came out. I scanned it in and put it into illustrator. Traced it but I am having the most trouble with placing the Cappaccin-go in accordance with the Logo itself. Still some things to do but it is coming along nicely.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Some typefaces options I am considering for the Cappuchin-Go Logo project.

These are thumb nails for the Cappuchin-Go logo in my Typography class. I will keep up with the progression on this project over the next couple of weeks.

Friday, May 7, 2010

For any of you who went to the NCA guest speaker, I seriously hope you check out the website

Really cool way to look at whats coming out and possible way to sell prints. HOW EXCITITING!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

First post in my very own blog. Im going to be using this blog for showing my Art progression through out the rest of my college career as well as artist's, graphic designer's, and people that inspire me to create.

Will get some art up soon.

Enjoy Everyone!